
4 min read

The Autumn Audit: The Ideal Time to Review Your Personal Insurance Policies

Fall is a time of transition, signalling not just a change in seasons but also a perfect opportunity to revisit and reassess your personal insurance policies.
The Autumn Audit: The Ideal Time to Review Your Personal Insurance Policies
9 min read

2023 Holiday Safety Tips

The holidays are a great time to enjoy your home with friends and family. Avoid filing a homeowners insurance claim this holiday season by following these holiday safety tips. By using safety best practices and common sense throughout your decorating, home heating, and holiday cooking, you’ll be able to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season.
2023 Holiday Safety Tips
3 min read

5 Common Winter Home Insurance Claims

Winter, with its icy winds and freezing temperatures, can be a harsh season for homeowners. From frozen pipes to roof damage, the cold weather brings a set of challenges that can lead to home insurance claims. But what are the most common winter home insurance claims? And how can you prevent them? Let's dive in and find out.
5 Common Winter Home Insurance Claims
6 min read

Financial Literacy Month: How to Plan for a Brighter Future

The dreaded financial talk. But what if it didn't have to be? November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, a time for individuals to assess their current financial position and make improvements for a brighter financial future. 
Financial Literacy Month: How to Plan for a Brighter Future
2 min read

Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist: Fall Edition

Source: Intact Insurance Reminder: it's time to review your fall home maintenance checklist.
Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist: Fall Edition