
Commercial Building Insurance

1 min read

Cyber Threats: Protect Your Business Before it Happens

With data breaches on the rise, companies have tightened their information security measures, shoring up their computer systems and locking down their networks. Now, instead of attempting to enter through an increasingly fortified front door, hackers are searching for new gaps that leave companies vulnerable to cyber attacks. Many revolve around the person behind the computer instead of the system itself.
6 min read

What you need to know about car insurance

There comes a time in every driver’s life when they have to shop for car insurance. Maybe you’re still a young driver, finally moving off your parents’ insurance plan when you get your starter vehicle. Whatever the case, insurance is mandatory in Ontario, and indeed Canada, if you’re going to be driving on the road!
1 min read

Are you ready for winter?

Are you feeling the frost across Ontario this week? Winter is at our doorstep, and you’ve pulled out your cold-weather armour—warm coat, waterproof boots, tuque, scarf, and mittens. You’ve got everything you need to face the frigid temperatures ahead, but what about your home and car? Here are a few tips to help you get through the cold season without any nasty surprises.