
Pension & Retirement Solutions

3 min read

How the Business Technology Improvement Fund Can Level Up Your Business

Every effort counts as small to medium-sized businesses continue to adapt to emerging trends and the latest technology. That's why the Business Technology Improvement Fund grant (BTIF for short) is big new in Northeastern Ontario. Learn more about the details and if your business is eligible.
2 min read

Patio Season is Back in Ontario

It's patio season in Ontario! For many local businesses, the onset of warmer temperatures and outdoor dining is a right of passage into summer. As many patrons have already started to enjoy dining outdoors, several municipalities have extended support as part of the economic recovery efforts.
1 min read

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

Seasonal slowdowns are one thing but when your revenue drops to zero unexpectedly, everything you have worked to build may be at risk. Fortunately, business interruption insurance could help. Understand how it works and if it makes sense for you talk to your broker more about it.