
Boat Insurance

1 min read

Are you ready for winter?

Are you feeling the frost across Ontario this week? Winter is at our doorstep, and you’ve pulled out your cold-weather armour—warm coat, waterproof boots, tuque, scarf, and mittens. You’ve got everything you need to face the frigid temperatures ahead, but what about your home and car? Here are a few tips to help you get through the cold season without any nasty surprises.
3 min read

Why you need tenant insurance in ottawa

A look at the many reasons why having tenant insurance in Ottawa is worth it
1 min read

How to Jump Start a Car Safely

Truth: a dead car battery can really put a (socket) wrench in your day. There's no worse feeling than turning the ignition only to hear your vehicle's ignition not turn over. But as a car owner, a refresher on how to correctly, and safely, jump your vehicle is useful to have up-to-date in your tool kit. So save this blog to your favourites, just in case.