
Critical Illness Insurance

4 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Safely Cleaning Your Dryer Vent

Did you know that household dryers are responsible for 15,000 house fires* every year? It's a startling statistic that should serve as a reminder for all of us to check and clean our dryer vents regularly. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of safely cleaning your dryer vent to prevent fires and ensure your appliance runs efficiently. So, before you throw that last load in, take a moment to tend to your dryer vent and prioritize the safety of your home and loved ones.
4 min read

Protect Your Construction Vehicles and Equipment from Theft

Incidents of vehicle theft continue to rise year over year in Canada, with Ontario being a province favoured by crime rings. The rise in vehicle theft does not only apply to personal vehicles, as thieves target more than your SUV. Thieves are also stealing high-value construction vehicles and equipment. Studies show that construction vehicle and equipment theft costs Canadians an estimated $46 million yearly, with most incidents occurring in Ontario.
4 min read

Business Insurance: Policy Renewal Checklist

As a business owner, you set your focus on growth: larger contracts, more customers, and upgrades to your equipment and services. As your business expands, it is important that your insurance policy does the same.