
RV & Travel Trailer Insurance

1 min read

Protect Your Home From Winter Weather

We get it, Canadian all endure winter. How can you protect your home from the severe cold this season? Discover a few tips and resources to help make sure your home doesn't get frostbite (brr!).
1 min read

Stay Safe on the Roads During the Holidays

The holidays are also a stressful time for many households. Last-minute shopping or visiting several holiday parties on the same day can add to the confusion. Expect some distracted drivers on the roads. Expect some fatigued drivers as well. It’s a busy time for all of us. Let's make it a safe holiday with a few winter driving reminders.
1 min read

How to Protect Yourself Against Car Theft

Car theft in Ontario continues to rise. With Toronto continuing to lead the country in number of vehicles stolen each year according to Équité Association, its central location and high traffic make it a thief's paradise.